Carbon & Carbon Credits

Carbon & Carbon Credits

Organic Carbon & The Carbon Cycle

A foundation of life

Soil Organic Carbon without a doubt is the one single measurable factor that tells us most about our soil health. Why does this matter? Well here are the key roles of organic carbon in Agriculture production….

Organic Carbon & The Carbon Cycle

A foundation of life

Soil Organic Carbon without a doubt is the one single measurable factor that tells us most about our soil health. Why does this matter? Well here are the key roles of organic carbon in Agriculture production….

Organic Carbon & The Carbon Cycle


Soil Organic Carbon without a doubt is the one single measurable factor that tells us most about our soil health. Why does this matter? Well here are the key roles of organic carbon in Agriculture production…. 

  • Carbon is a foundational element of all molecules. Without it we have no molecules and therefore no life, both plant & animal.  Carbon bonds with other elements through a natural occurring polymer.
  • Soils tolerance of weather extremes! Carbon is a large factor in water penetration & holding of soils through soil stabilization also known as TILTH. This process of carbon increases water penetration, holding and drainage. A 1% increase in soil organic matter equals 20,000 GALLONS OF WATER HOLDING CAPACITCY per acre. For reference that is the equivalent of .73 inches of water per acre! Increased water penetration also aids in leaching of salts and heavy metals.  When we build soil profile moisture we increase the ability of water to move these damaging salts well out of the root zone.
  • Plants use atmospheric and available soil carbon in the photosynthetic process which creates a direct pathway to increase yield.  More carbon, more molecule production, more surface area for photosynthesis and therefore increase in yield.
  • The carbon Cycle directly affects the nutrient cycle. All nutrients are reliant on Carbon in one way or another for proper plant uptake & utilization. A couple significant examples are nitrogen & phosphate.
  1. A soil with low carbon capacity the nitrogen will cycle and quickly release into the atmosphere while moderate to high levels of soil carbon the nitrogen is rapidly absorbed into microbial cells in the soil profile for slower release. Naturally occurring nitrogen fixation and stabilization is more efficient and effective than chemically made products.
  2. Phosphate: the majority of phos is bound up with other nutrients in most soil types. However a portion of carbon taken in by plants from the atmosphere for photosynthesis is released from the roots. This carbon is utilized by the microbial life and the rest is converted to carbonic acid which then breaks down organic matter, rocks and releases bound up nutrients like phosphate.
  • Carbon Credits: this is an up and coming revenue stream for agriculture producers. Anywhere from $3-$100.  In the near future we will see credits for nitrogen management which the carbon cycle directly affects.

Our Organic Carbon Products

If you build it they will come…

The more organic carbon the healthier a soil is, creating an environment that is sustainable for the microbiology necessary for plant functions and nutrient management. When the conditions are right for biology they will naturally create large healthy colonies.

Calcium XP

30% Organic Carbon with all of the necessary biologicals to maximize the carbon cycle in soils & plants. Calcium along with other nutrients such as K, P, N & B are vital to cell formation and all are tied to carbon. Calcium is important to the skin of all fruits and vegetables


25% Organic Carbon and like Calcium, the Potassium performs certain functions in cell wall production, fruit and vegetable quality, fruit brix (sugars) levels and coloring.


26% Orgainc Carbon – Zinc is important for the reproductive mechanisms in plants which directly affects yields. The carbon cycle is directly related to the functions of micronutrients in addition to the macros

FT Universal Microbes

This product does not contain a high percentage of organic carbon. However there are many species and strains of Microbials that require organic carbon for survival. These species and strains are then vital to plant health and the nutrient cycle in both plants and soils. These microbes also aid in the process of creating organic acids such as carbonic, citric and others that release (solubilize) bound up nutrients in the soil.

  • Nitrogen Fixation
  • Phosphorus Fixation
  • Sulfur Oxidation